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React Native UI Collection

React Pakistan

React Pakistan is an OpenSource & Free Software (FOSS) platform, creating React software solutions for the global community.

React Native UI/UX Collection

A generic to specific, UI/UX library for React Native apps, following modern approach by building your project's UI in isolation using state of the art Storybook along with React.


Add React Native UI Collection to your project:

  yarn add @react-pakistan/react-native-ui-collection


  npm install @react-pakistan/react-native-ui-collection

Add React Native UI Collection base theme to your project.

  yarn add @react-pakistan/util-react-native-functions


  npm install @react-pakistan/util-react-native-functions


Styled Components are employed to maintain and update theme for this project. Please consider adding Styled Component Provider wrapper to the entry point of your application, following is the sample code. You could either use the default theme as shown below or wire your custom theme object instead.

  import { ThemeProvider } from 'styled-components';
import { theme } from '@react-pakistan/util-react-native-functions';

<ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
<App />


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